Products & Services / Produse & Servicii


Export si proiecte de intermedieri / Export and cross national projects

Electro Exim has successfully exported, often in challenging locations and political environments, a wide range of industrial equipment and services including:

* overhead transmission electric lines single and double circuit (0.4 – 750 kV), underground cable (0.4 – 110 kV);
electric substations and rural electrification;
* "turn-key" services (design, supply, construction, erection and commissioning) for power projects as electric transmission lines and substations, thermo-electric power plants, hydro-electric power plants, hydro-technical developments;
* metallic towers and frames, cables and electric conductors,power, distribution and instrument transformers, unit substations, power capacitors, switches,ceramic insulators;
*HV, MV and LV equipment as MC cells and panels up to 24 kV, welding transformers and converters;
*lighting sources and batteries.

ELECTRO EXIM was involved, with other companies, in building up electric lines and supplying electric equipment in many different countries: FRANCE, UNITED KINGDOM, CROATIA, GERMANY, GREECE, CYPRUS, SPAIN, THAILAND, LEBANON, IRAN, EGYPT, JORDAN, IRAQ, KUWAIT, SYRIA, TURKEY, PHILIPPINES, MALAYSIA, ABU DHABI, KENYA, NIGERIA, CAMEROON, CHILE, ARGENTINE.


Vanzari generatoare de curent / Sale of new electric generators

Generatoarele de curent comercializate sunt intre 8 - 2500 kVA, echipate cu motoare diesel de renume si cu reprezentanta in Romania (Perkins, Volvo, Iveco, Yanmar, Cummins, Deutz, etc.).

Echiparea generatoarelor de curent cu astfel de motoare si cu componente originale de cea mai buna calitate, va face diferenta intre un generator de curent cu o durata de viata de doar cativa ani si un generator de curent cu o durata de viata de peste 30 de ani.

In functie de nevoile specifice ale clientului, punem la dispozitie o serie de optiuni suplimentare legate de livrarea, alimentarea si controlul solutiei alese.

The generators offered for sale are in the range of 8 - 2500 kVA, equipped with well-known diesel engines such as Perkins, Volvo, Iveco, Yanmar, Cummins, Deutz, etc.

Equipping the generators with these engines together with making sure all components used are good quality and original will make the difference between the life of the generator from just a few years to over 30 years.

Based on clients desired specifications and particular needs we can provide the best solution and multiple options for configuration.


Inchirieri generatoare de curent / Rental of electric generators

Pentru a veni in intampinarea nevoii clientilor de a procura un generator de curent pe termen scurt sau mediu, Electro Exim detine o flota de grupuri electrogene in gama 22 - 550kVA, precum: 22 kVA (16 kW), 45 kVA (36 kW), 66 kVA (52 kW), 100 kVA (80 kW), 220 kVa (180 kW), 550 kVA (440 kW).

Cand proiectul care necesita utilizarea unui generator de curent nu este pe termen lung, inchirierea unui generator de curent pe perioada necesitata este cea mai buna alegere, avand iar firma noastra se va ocupa de transportul generatorului la locatia indicata, de pregatirea lui pentru a fi gata de utilizare, precum si de asigurarea intretinerii pentru asigurarea unei bune functionari.

Electro Exim owns a large float of generators for rent, in the range of 22 - 550 kVA: 22 kVA (16 kW), 45 kVA (36 kW), 66 kVA (52 kW), 100 kVA (80 kW), 220 kVa (180 kW), 550 kVA (440 kW).

In those cases that a generator is needed for only a short definite period of time, the option of renting one turns out to be the most ideal and our company will take care of transporting the generator at your specified location, getting it ready to function as well as ensure all necessary maintenance for best performance.

Reparatii si Service generatoare

Service si Reparatii generatoare / Maintenance and Repairs

Generatoarele de curent, sunt echipamente comparabile unei masini si necesita o anumita mentenanta, verificari periodice si uneori interventii. Cu experienta in domeniu, tehnicienii Electro Exim ofera servicii de specialitate si efectueaza reparatii la generatoarele cu puteri peste 8kVA. Avem in stoc piesele si consumabilele cele mai des utilizabile la generatoarele de curent cu motoare Volvo, Perkins, Yanmar, Deutz iar ce nu avem deja pe stoc le putem procura in scurt timp, datorita parteneriatelor pe care le avem cu furnizorii si producatorii de generatoare de curent din Europa.
Pentru orice interventie in acest sens, echipa noastra va sta la dispozitie.

Just as a car, electric generators are equipment that need a particular maintenance, periodical check-ups and, sometimes,repairs. Electro Exim experienced technicians offer specialized services and make repairs to generators over 8 kVA. Our company maintains a stock for the parts and consumables most used by Volvo, Perkins, Yanmar, Iveco and Deutz' generators and what we do not already have in stock, we can procure it shortly because of our partnerships with suppliers and producers of electric generators in Europe.

We are at our clients' disposal for any inquiries in this sense.

Piese de schimb generatoare

Piese de schimb si consumabile / Parts and consumables for generators

Fiind specializati pe produsele si serviciile aferente generatoarelor de curent, oferim spre vanzare consumabile si piese de schimb pentru generatoare de curent industriale (de peste 8kVA), precum: panou de comanda, ATS-uri, regulatoar de tensiune, incarcator de baterie, racord flexibil esapament, filtru ulei, filtru motorina, ulei pentru motor, etc.

Pentru acele produse sau repere care nu le gasiti la noi pe website nu ezitati sa ne contactati pentru ca putem aduce consumabile si piese la comanda in functie de specificatiile generatorului dvs.

Specializing on products and services for electric generators, we commercialize parts and consumables for industrial electric generators (8 kVA and up) such as: control panels, ATS, alternator voltage regulator, battery charger, flexible connector for exhaust system, oil and diesel filters, engine oils, etc.

For those products or parts that you do not find on our website, do not hesitate to contact us because we can bring them on an order basis, based on your particular specifications or those of the generator you own.

Generatoare second hand

Generatoare second hand / Sale of second hand generators

Cum achizitia unui generator de curent implica o investitie pe termen lung, durata de viata a unui astfel de generator in regim de interventie fiind de peste 30 de ani, Electro Exim ofera clientilor optiunea de a achizitiona un generator de curent second hand, beneficiul major fiind pretul mult mai accesibil al generatorului de curent, comparativ cu unul nou. Generatoarele secondhand sunt destinate atat aplicatiilor de back-up industriale sau rezidentiale, cat si functionarii continue sau diveselor altor aplicatii care implica necesitatea utilizarii unui generator de curent.

Toate generatoarele oferite sunt in perfecta stare de functionare, cu reviziile la zi si insotite de certificate de garantie.

As buying a new electric generator implies a long-term investment, the life span of a back-up generator being over 30 years, Electro Exim offers its clients the option of acquiring a second hand electric generator, where the major benefit is its more accessible price, when compared to that of a brand new electric generator. Second hand generators are destined to be used as back-up for industrial or residential purposes, but just as well for continuous use as main source of producing electricity or as needed in other various applications.

All of the second hand generators being offered are in perfect functioning condition, up to date with all needed revisions and come with a warranty certificate.

Generatoare PTO pentru tractor

Generatoare pentru tractor / PTO generators

Generatoarele Agrowatt PTO ofera agricultorilor o modalitate ieftina de a avea un generator in standby sau in functionare continua, oferind energie in parametri calitativi, cu ajutorul unui alternator angrenat de un tractor. Scopul acestei solutii este a asigura continuarea activitatilor unei ferme spre exemplu, in timpul unei pene de curent incomode.

Generatoarele PTO pentru utilizare impreuna cu un tractor sunt disponibile in puteri de 16 kVA - 93 kVA, sunt trifazate si sunt proiectate special pentru a fi cuplate in spatele unui tractor, acestea potrivand-use majoritatii brandurilor de tractoare.

Agrowatt PTO generators is an ideal solution to those agriculturists who already own a tractor and need an accessible way to have a generator in standby or in production mode. PTO Agrowatt generators supply electricity under the quality parameters with the help of an alternator engaged by the tractor. This option becomes a very useful one for continuing to run a farm for example, during an unwanted electricity outage or when electricity is needed in the middle of the field.

The powers available for this type of generators are in the range of 16 kVA to 93 kVA, are three phase and are specially designed to be connected behind a tractor and to match to most of the tractor brands available on the market.